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Increasingly Clean


We’re working hard to reduce our impact on the environment — protecting wildlife and habitats, conserving water, and reducing waste — so future generations will be able to enjoy the world around them.

We also strive to make our workplaces sustainable — for example, a four-story building we completed in 2023 is on track to receive LEED Silver Certification. We maintain a strict Corporate Environmental Policy opens in a new window and promote environmental and social stewardship.

Acting with integrity when it comes to the environment is our obligation and commitment to the communities we serve.

Molly Parker VP – Environmental & Sustainability at Dominion Energy

Clean Water

Through our companywide Environmental Management System, we ensure compliance with state and federal water regulations, including the Clean Water Act, while also working to reduce our water use. We report on our water use and management through the CDP. Dominion Energy earned an A-minus for both Climate and Water Security in the 2023 rankings from CDP.

We strive to sustainably manage the water resources we all share. In 2023, Wexpro reused nearly 25.8 million gallons of produced water (water that comes out of the ground during drilling operations), reducing the amount of freshwater withdrawn for operations. Also in 2023, DESC commenced development of a wastewater treatment facility at our Williams facility, supporting compliance with effluent limitation guidelines.

In 2023, in coordination with the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, we initiated studies of three commercial fisheries active in the CVOW project area. We also coordinated on an effort led by The Nature Conservancy and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration to evaluate how local fish populations react to offshore wind development during construction and operations.

Blue heron on rocks in James River

We work with wildlife experts to better understand how we can reduce impact on local animal populations during construction and operations.

Employee Spotlight

Jason Ericson

Jason Ericson’s passion for the outdoors drives his commitment to environmental protection at Dominion Energy.

A director of environmental services at Dominion Energy, Jason Ericson has seen — and been involved in — nearly every aspect of the business, from natural gas and nuclear power to solar, wind, electric transmission, and renewable natural gas. These days, his responsibilities include offshore wind permitting, environmental justice, and air permitting and compliance.

“The best part for me about working for [the company] has been the opportunity to be exposed to so many aspects of an industry that is critical to all of our daily lives,” he says. “Providing electricity is a vital service and I have enjoyed helping the company provide that service in an environmentally friendly manner.”

He also enjoys working in an office with close proximity to the James River in Richmond, Virginia. A lifelong outdoorsman who enjoys camping, canoeing, and kayaking with his family, he still feels most comfortable outside, and even takes the occasional call when walking along the banks of the James. “It can be the most productive way to take a call,” he notes.

“I love a good river,” he says. “Growing up and spending time along the Susquehanna River and in foothills of Pennsylvania is what led to my interest in protecting natural resources. Working at Dominion Energy has allowed me to continue to protect natural resources while being on the forefront of the growth of renewable energy. I am reminded of those experiences as a kid and what the river meant to me as I work along the James in Richmond.”

Director of environmental services Jason Ericson

A lifelong outdoorsman, Jason Ericson enjoys his work at Dominion Energy protecting natural resources and driving growth of renewable energy.

Habitat & Biodiversity

We employ a variety of measures to protect wildlife and natural habitats, such as exclusion systems that keep wildlife away from infrastructure, and we engage with both regulatory bodies and subject-matter experts to inform our approach. In coordination with The Nature Conservancy, William and Mary’s Center for Conservation Biology, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, Dominion Energy continued tagging and monitoring two bird species to study activity in the CVOW commercial project area in 2023.

Clean, flowing river

Protections for wildlife and natural habitats are considered in every Dominion Energy project.

Environmental Conservation

In April 2024, Dominion Energy donated 847 acres to The Nature Conservancy in West Virginia to expand conservation protection to areas around the Monongahela National Forest. When added to the company's previous donation of 477 acres, this donation doubles the size of the original 1,204-acre Bear Rocks/Allegheny Front Preserve Complex.


In 2023, we reduced landfill waste at select supply chain warehouses by 33% compared to 2020. After citing wood as a major contributor to landfill waste, our supply chain warehouses established a program and have diverted more than 270,000 pounds of wood since 2022. We continue to divert food waste through our corporate composting program; in 2023 the company recycled over 100,000 pounds of food scraps and compostable containers.

Our recycling efforts also benefit our communities. In 2023, we diverted 96% of furniture, fixtures, and equipment (amounting to 543 tons) from three major office renovation projects away from landfills. In addition to reusing furniture at numerous Dominion Energy facilities, we donated gently used furniture to six charitable organizations.

On-site composting program at Innsbrook facility in Virginia

Our corporate composting program helps employees reduce waste. In 2023, it diverted 100,000 pounds of food scraps and compostable containers from landfills.


Reduction in landfill waste at select supply chain warehouses in 2023


Of furniture, fixtures, and equipment were diverted from landfills in three recent office renovation projects

Supply Chain Sustainability

Our suppliers play a critical role in our company’s ability to serve our customers, and we work closely with them to ensure on-time and on-budget project completion. In early November 2021, we created the Virginia Supply Chain Team, which is tasked with working with each major equipment provider to identify the direct and subcontracted activity needed in Virginia, including for the CVOW commercial project. In early 2024, several of our key suppliers for the CVOW commercial project participated in a video update opens in a new window , reinforcing their enthusiasm for and commitment to the project. We also continue to expand our green fleet — which as of the end of 2023 included more than 1,000 electric, plug-in hybrid, and compressed natural gas cars, trucks, and other vehicles.

We work closely with our suppliers to ensure compliance with our Supplier Code of Ethics and Business Conduct opens in a new window , which includes sections on health and safety, human rights, and environmental stewardship. We also work with the Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance (SSCA) to engage our suppliers to be more sustainable, and we conduct an annual supplier sustainability assessment of environmental practices.

We remain dedicated to building a more sustainable supplier base while reducing our environmental impact and protecting human rights within our value chain. Collaboration with suppliers and utility peers through the SSCA helps us further identify and implement best practices to drive change across the industry.

As detailed in our Supplier Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, suppliers are expected to, at minimum, share our commitment to safety, human rights, environmental compliance, and sustainability. Annually, we engage our key suppliers through the sustainability assessment to measure their environmental impact, assess sustainability maturity, and mitigate risk. To further educate and engage these suppliers, we host an annual supply chain sustainability event, Momentum, focused on Dominion Energy commitments and critical sustainability topics.

These efforts contributed to our receiving an A-minus from the 2023 CDP for Supplier Engagement, which is above the average for energy utilities in North America. In addition, we were awarded the SSCA's Leading Practices in Supply Chain Sustainability Award for Utilities.

Since 2021, Dominion Energy has cosigned the Solar Energy Industries Association’s Forced Labor Prevention Pledge.

Transformers in supply yard

Our efforts to increase supply chain sustainability led to Dominion Energy receiving an above-average rating from the 2023 CDP for Supplier Engagement.